
You should immediately seek the medical advice of a doctor to properly assess your condition and then file a police report depending on the applicability of the situation right after you sustain the injury and regardless if the ones at fault admits their transgression or not. In most cases your dog bite attorney will take your case and then begin an investigation. Can a dog owner defend against a dog bite claim? You can learn more about Jaclyn here. After more than a decade and a half of handling serious personal injury and death cases, we know the common concerns accident victims and their families face. Our lawyers know what it takes to pursue legal action against those whose negligence caused an accident. What defines the best St Louis DWI lawyers? Our dog bite lawyers can help you hold a dog owner or other liable party responsible for your losses.

Our St. Louis personal injury lawyer can help you hold the dog owner accountable and recover fair compensation from the insurance company. Retaining a lawyer early in the process enables the insurance company to make a better estimate of the amount of compensation that the victim must receive. Dog attacks are traumatic and it is tough to get just compensation from the insurance company. Your dog bite claim may also allow you to get compensation for the time you were off work recovering from your injuries. Since there is often no way to prove knowledge existed before the dog’s first bite, the first bite is basically free for the dog owner. If a dog bites you or your child, the first thing you need to do is get to safety. Get medical treatment - Even if you don't end up going to the emergency room, you need to get your injuries treated by a doctor or other medical professional. Contact us today for a free consultation and get started right away building your defense. Dog bite Lawyer near me - Free Consultation. At the Dixon Injury Firm, our dedicated injury litigators handle dog bite and injury claims throughout St. Louis.

You have enough to worry about recovering from your injuries, let a dog bite lawyer alleviate the stress of a lawsuit. Instead, the mere fact that the dog caused harm is enough to establish liability. For example, if you provoke or harm a dog before the attack, the owner may not be responsible for covering your medical expenses and other losses. Financial losses can be documented through written evidence, but pain and suffering damages are subjective and different for each person. A legal team can be on your side and help you resolve your claim and potentially obtain compensation for your losses. When you meet with our firm, we’ll carefully help you determine what fair compensation should look like based on the particulars of your case. If your dog attacks someone, you can also receive help. However, they may be able to sue for general negligence if they can prove that the public zoo did not properly restrain their animals. Most domestic animals in America don’t have rabies, but if this one does, you should start rabies shots as soon as possible. Animal bite cases are one of the most common types of personal injury cases filed in the United States.

To be safe, it is always best to seek medical help after a dog bite. No matter what charges you're facing, our DWI attorney St Louis can help you build a strong defense and fight for the best possible outcome. A dog bite attorney can help you recover damages from dog attacks when someone violates local leash laws or any law that restricts dogs from running amok. Our Kansas City dog bite lawyer is familiar with the laws related to proving liability and fault for dog bite cases. In states that don't follow “strict liability” for dog owners (or when the requirements for strict liability aren't met in a strict liability state), the dog owner might have an easier time. Usually, certain family members file a wrongful death suit in the absence of the deceased person, who would have filed a personal injury lawsuit had they survived the attack. While it is rare to sue for a minor dog bite, in more severe dog bite cases, filing a lawsuit against the dog’s owner to recover damages, if a satisfactory settlement isn’t reached through negotiations, can sometimes recover the maximum amount of compensation for a victim’s dog bite injuries.